In these pages, you’ll witness how acts of social and environmental justice, intertwined with mercy, have the potential to reshape lives, offering a vivid portrait of the profound impact of embracing the everyday God. As he reflects upon Jesus’s teaching in Matthew 25:34–40, Arnold challenges us to discover God’s presence in the most unexpected places and join in with where God is acting, whether
Packed with vivid, often deeply moving memories and evocative photographs, this book tells John's story against the backdrop of the developing National Children's Home. Throughout his life he has kept in touch with the home (now Action for Children) and is well placed to describe the changes in it's approach and some of the remarkable men & women who gave their lives for homeless children.
Have the Church of England lectionary calendar at your fingertips with The Common Worship Lectionary 2025. Featuring readings and Bible passage for the whole of the liturgical year, this little book is an essential resource for church readers.
Imaginative retellings of Old Testament Bible stories for adults and children by Jo Love of the Wild Goose Resource Group. Jo offers ways in, to the intriguing or impenetrable, heart-warming or horrendous, alien or alluring happenings we meet in the Bible.
This longstanding annual favourite brings a wide variety of preaching voices together to offer a resource for preaching at the principal and the second service (for which preaching resources are scarce) every Sunday of the coming year, plus on principal feast days and seasonal services.
Preaching The Women of the Bible, Vol 2 • More unheard women’s voices from across the First and Second testaments • The authors both speak widely on homiletics, and in particular the importance of women’s voices in preaching • Together with volume 1 this will make up a major new resource which will be of use throughout all three years of the lectionary cycle
The Common Worship Main Volume is the primary worship and service book for the Church of England. It contains material used on Sundays by most churches: a variety of Communion services and non-eucharistic forms of worship, as well as the basic Baptism service and the Psalms. this revised and updated 2024 edition contains fully updated royal prayers throughout, plus additional material.
Iona Community worship resources for Lent, Holy Week, Advent, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, weddings, funerals, International Women’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Pentecost, St Benedict’s Day, and much more.
Most Christians, whether preachers or not, are familiar with the Lord’s Prayer; maybe too familiar. In this excellent devotional, Geoff New urges us to encounter the Lord’s Prayer again – to encounter it as a text that is urgent and powerful, speaking directly to the needs and longings of the human heart.
Since the day it was published, Susan Sayers' all-age programme for Common Worship has proved invaluable to people who are responsible for leading worship.
Multi-generational worship is important for most church leaders, worship teams, and children's workers - but how can you truly engage everyone so that all age worship can thrive in your church?
This resource offers a treasure trove of ideas for opening up a Bible story (the way in), telling the story (the way through) and exploring the meaning of the story (the way out), including suggestions for reflecting on how to apply the story to our lives today.
Woven together are natural and biblical imagery and the traditions of liturgical prayer, to resource us in relating to creation, God and one another in deep, dynamic and relevant ways.
Messy Church Goes Wild: Caring for the world we live in. Reflections and practical suggestions from Messy Church on how we live well in God's world. Edited by Lucy Moore.
t a time, when many people are re-thinking their relationship to the natural world, and their understanding of church, this book is vital. This book aims to transform your worship and spirituality through Bible teaching on the natural world. The natural world is a revelation of God. It is one of the ways he has always revealed himself to people.
Out of the Shadows seeks to enable preachers to see these often marginal characters in a new light, offering ideas about how to communicate their stories with power, resonance and punch.
Tools for Reflective Ministry contains practical exercises and ideas on how to do this theologically and spiritually, putting Christianity at the core of the discipline. Topics covered include: using metaphor in reflection; spiritual practices for reflection; reframing the past, imagining the future, understanding the present; using culture in reflection; reflecting without words; reflecting with
If you are involved with leading worship in the church or in the home your next question will be 'Where do I go to find them?' Fortunately, Robert Vasholz has done the legwork for you in this book.
Reflecting a 'head, heart and feet' approach to understanding scripture, this collection will delight those who preach with an abundance of wisdom, and inspire all readers to embody a living faith.