
Product reviews for A Comedian’s Prayer Book

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An insightful and personal exploration of faith
I wasn't sure what I was anticipating in reading this book, but it was certainly much more insightful, personal, and honest than I was expecting. There are a few gags in there (some that land better than others) but mostly it's a thoughtful reflection on what it is to be a "believer" in the modern world. The conceit that it is a series of prayers to different persons of the Trinity is effective and while, as Skinner acknowledges, it can never quite match the heartfelt spontaneity of spoken (or unspoken) prayer, it nevertheless feels as though he is letting you in as a reader to some personal interactions with the divine. His many questions and uncertainties come from a place of deep reflection and awareness of scriptures and Church teaching, along with deep confidence in his faith. I would definitely recommend this for Christians and non-Christians alike, for the latter not least as an insight into the inner process of belief and prayer, an often misunderstood activity.

This review is from Waterstones
Methodist | 24/10/2022 11:05
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