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Prayers for Dementia

This simple book offers Bible verses and poems of hope and comfort, and short items of information, support and advice about dementia. Each is accompanied by a suggested prayer.

Prayers for anxiety: And how best to cope with it

All of us experience anxiety at some time. It can be useful in helping us rise to a challenging situation. With some people, the fear goes far beyond what the situation requires. Instead of sharpening our responses, it becomes disabling. This is anxiety disorder. It’s commoner than you might think. One in ten of the population will suffer from it at some point. It can have a serious effect o

Prayers for Healing

Bringing together words of warmth across a range of subjects and situations, these timeless prayer collections can be used for both personal and group prayer and provide a wealth of resources.

Starting Rite: Spiritual nurture for babies and their parents

When Anglican priest Jenny Paddison became a mother, there were numerous activities for new parents and their babies on offer: baby yoga, baby massage, baby swimming - but nothing from the church.

Good Grief: Living with sorrow and loss

In this intensely personal journal, Duncan guides the reader through grief and loss, examining how it changes us, and affirms that God is with us every step of the way.

Worshipping with Dementia

Worshipping With Dementia: Meditations, scriptures and prayers for sufferers and carers. This practical book explains how Christians can care spiritually for people who may not be able to show their response. Often dementia hides the person from us, but never from God.

Living without worry: Replace anxiety with peace.

Worry is an extremely common yet unchallenged problem, and many people don't know how to practically stop worrying, even if they know they need to.

The Church and Boys: Making the Connection

Why are boys so under-represented in churches? Why do churches find it so difficult to cater for boys? What would help boys in church grow into mature men of faith?

The Essential Guide to Family Ministry

An essential read for all who are involved in this field and passionate about seeing God’s kingdom come in families, churches and communities.

Seriously Messy: Making space for families to talk together about death and life

Supports church communities in talking about death and loss

Cherished: Boys, bodies and becoming a girl of God

Rachel Gardner tackles head-on the issues facing teenage girls: self-image, the pull of the in-crowd, puberty, boys, sex, regrets and godly ambition. Credible yet shot through with biblical wisdom, parents and youthworkers can give this book to those they care for with confidence.

Why does God allow suffering?: A little book of guidance

A little book for all who want to believe in God but struggle to do so in the face of the pointless cruelty that appears to be built into God's creation.

Prayer Journey into Parenthood

Pregnancy and new parenthood are some of the most exciting and challenging times of life, and this book forms a gentle devotional guide for that journey. Providing undated Bible reflections and prayers, plus space for personal journaling, it makes an attractive gift for an expectant mother and also an easy-to-use resource for couples to use together as they prepare for parenthood.

Assisted Suicide: A Talking Points Book by Vaugh Roberts

Talking Points is a series of short books designed to help Christians think and talk about today's big issues, and relate to others with compassion, conviction and wisdom.

Wonderfully Made: God's Story of Life from Conception to Birth

Wonderfully made is an excellent book that introduces a young child to the wonder of God's creation - the wonder and miracle of birth.

The Zimzum of Love: a new way of understanding marriage.

Marriage is complex because people are complicated. You think you know your other half so well that you're one. But then there are moments when it's shockingly obvious that you're two, with two opinions and two ways of doing things. And these moments can be relationship flashpoints - whether it's over money, politics, childrearing or what you're going to watch on TV tonight.

Resilient Pastors: The role of adversity in healing and growth

How can I help others to be strengthened during difficulties in life? How can I cope when I’m overwhelmed with the demands of helping others?

Leading a multicultural Church

Over the last 60 years the ethnic diversity of the western world has changed dramatically as a result of successive waves of immigration. The impact of this on the church is evident in the growing number of congregations that are now multicultural to a greater or lesser extent. This presents challenges as well as opportunities to those leading these congregations.

Heaven's Morning: Rethinking the destination

The Bible - especially the New Testament - has plenty to say about resurrection and heaven, but many Christians struggle to make sense of what it actually means in practice. David Winter's accessible book explores the biblical teaching on what happens after death and considers what difference this can make to our lives day by day.