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Comfort and Consolation Prayers funerals

An inspirational collection of prayers by the finest spiritual writers for both public and personal use.

Held in the arms of God: Jesus meets people with cancer

When a person has been diagnosed with cancer the sense of shock, fear and trauma experienced by a whole family cannot be overestimated.

Pastoral Care. A practical guide

A practical, hands-on book that all in pastoral ministry should read

Prayers for Healing

Bringing together words of warmth across a range of subjects and situations, these timeless prayer collections can be used for both personal and group prayer and provide a wealth of resources.

Heaven's morning breaks Funeral practice

Sensitive and practical reflections on funeral practice At the heart of this book is the importance of balancing the Christian gospel with the hopes and wishes of a grieving family, even if these wishes do not entirely fit with the minister's personal theology.

Pastoral Pointers volume 1

The book provides support for those who may feel anxious about their lack of basic knowledge when faced with a situation they haven't encountered before.

Pastoral Pointers - Volume 2

Help for pastors faced with difficult situations

Being there: The Healing power of presence

With the insight born out of his own deep experience of both therapeutic and spiritual practice, the author explores what it means to be a pastoral companion. He examines the areas of personal choice and responsibility, regrets and disappointments, appropriate boundary setting and supervision.

Loneliness: A Study course in six sessions

Loneliness will affect 40 per cent of the population at some time in their lives. It is said that loneliness is a modern epidemic that needs treatment, but loneliness is a complex issue. Paul Cox considers some of these complexities and examines the distinction between loneliness and solitude.

Where is God in Depression?: Your journey through depression or anxiety

Looks at depression and anxiety and discovers where God is in it all and includes a variety of user-friendly resources, as well as some creative ideas for drawing closer to God and recording the reader's journey through depression or anxiety.

Exploring emotional health : six workshop outlines for youth leaders

Youth leaders recognise that issues around emotional health are growing and research shows that young people want to talk about it!

Help! I'm a New Dad! : 3 minute prayers for new dads - just add coffee and chocolate!

David’s prayers are refreshingly honest, real and life-giving. This book helps to give you a framework to cry out your joy, pain, doubt and unknowing to God.’

The Puzzle of Pastoral Care: A practical approach

The Puzzle Of Pastoral care is for anyone who is responsible for, interested in or practising pastoral care: lay or ordained; in full time or part time ministry; paid or voluntary. Anyone being trained in pastoral care or responsible for training others. The issues raised are relevant to churches of all denominations.

Saying Goodbye: Resources for funerals, scattering ashes and remembering

Saying Goodbye is a resource book for anyone who is planning a funeral. You may be a family member or a friend of someone who has died. You may be planning your own funeral. You may arrange and conduct funerals professionally. Here you will find an abundance of words and ideas for celebrating a life in ways that are personal and honest.

Suicide and the Church (Pastoral) Grove Booklet

A Pastoral Theology This profound and helpful study explores the reasons for this, the pastoral needs and opportunities, and makes use of the latest thinking on suicide to advocate key changes to practice. It includes a wealth of invaluable resources.

Tend my flock: Sustaining good Pastoral care

Tend My Flock is a companion and guide for ordained and lay ministers seeking to live their pastoral ministry well, amid all the complexities and pressures of contemporary society.

All Shall Be Well: A Bereavement Anthology and Companion

The journey through grief is the loneliest of all and an understanding companion can be like a lifeline when all else seems in turmoil.

The Highway Code for Marriage

This is a book for anyone who is about to get married, thinking of giving up on their marriage or wanting to make their marriage even better. Michael and Hilary Perrott have poured all their wisdom and experience into a book that will help men and women to build, or rebuild, a sure foundation for their marriage.

Insight into Addiction

Cut the power of addiction at the roots, never to rise again People become addicted – to alcohol, sex, drugs, gambling – often because they are seeking to escape from terrible inner pain.

A New Shape: For when parents decide to separate

A Childrens guide for when parents decide to separate. Help children who are experiencing family break-up.
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