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Where The Lost Things Go: A Lent course based on Mary Poppins Returns

Where The Lost Things Go is a ‘practically perfect’ Lent course for small group study – or for reading on one’s own – based on the popular film Mary Poppins Returns.

Terry Waite - Out of the Silence

Out of the Silence not only offers a rare insight into one man's experience in the throes of a bitter conflict of the past; it also bears witness to the enduring power of forgiveness, truth and reconciliation in the face of adverse forces at work in the world today.

Psalms/Now: Captures the meaning of the Psalms for our time

More than 370,000 sold. Once you have been gripped and challenged by this modern paraphrase, you may never look at the Book of Psalms in the same way again.

Best. Jokes. Ever. - Jokes for Kids

Young comedians love to share hilarious side-splitting jokes with anyone who will listen.

The Story of Iona: An illustrated historical guide

Historian and Iona Community member Rosemary Power tells the story of the small Hebridean island of Iona and its remarkable spiritual influence over fifteen centuries.

A Treasury of Wisdom

Just as the boats on the cover are guided safely into harbour by the lighthouse, this book offers advice and solace from turbulent times to its reader.

The Bible Story : retold in twelve chapters

Evocative and full in scope, The Bible Story Retold in Twelve Chapters is a flowing retelling of the Bible's great stories. In twelve chapters, Andrea Skevington brings together all the Bible's treasured tales to reveal the overarching story of God and his people.

100 Bible Verses to Change your Life

Author and compiler, Mark Stibbe, is passionate about awakening people to the reality of the Father’s incredible love. These carefully selected Bible verses from the Old and New Testaments will gently guide you to experience the depth of God’s love i

God Moments for dark days

With 40 small meditations designed to lift your spirits, and each one with an accompanying prayer, God Moments For Dark Days will help you on the days where there seems to be no God Moments. Each meditation gives you the space to address the difficulties in life, the parts where life seems to difficult, and shows them in the context of the Almighty.

A Little God Time for Women: 365 Daily Devotions

A little God time can make a big difference in your day. This one-year devotional for women provides you with godly wisdom and insight to strengthen your faith and encourage your heart.

Serenity: One Year Devotional

God wants to take us on a pilgrimage to a place where hopelessness is replaced by hope, and death is traded for life. In this 365 day devotional, we read how words spoken from respect and wisdom, darkness is exchanged for God's light, depression is substituted for action and service, and addiction is swapped for recovery.

Make a Difference: 365 devotions

Make A Difference is filled with 365 days of encouragement, Scripture, prayers, and difference-maker challenges to help you walk with Jesus and see the opportunities you have to bring his Good News to a world in desperate need.

Prayers & promises for Healing

'Prayers and Promises for healing' encourages you to stand on the promises of God in your quest for healing. Arranged by theme, this book of prayers contains inspirational scriptures and powerful prayers to declare God's truth over your life.

Celebrate your Marriage: Gift edition

365 Daily Devotions for Busy couples.. Draw closer to your spouse and God with 'Celebrate Your Marriage' -the perfect gift for newlyweds and seasoned couples alike.

New Living Translation Touchpoints for Women: God's answer for your every need

Life can be hard, but finding answers to some of your toughest questions doesn’t have to be! Bible Touchpoints for Women is a wonderful way to discover what God has to say about women’s particular needs and circumstances. Each topic includes thought

365 Questions for a Woman's Soul

365 Questions for a Woman’s Soul asks the deep questions for which our souls long for answers. Some of these questions can be clearly answered from the pages of Scripture. Other questions do not have tidy answers, but by wrestling with them in relationship with God’s Word, we can gain perspective, wisdom, and a better understanding of who God is and why he allows events to unfold as they do.

Prayers for difficult times: Womens Gift edition

Here’s a practical guide of short prayer starters that will help you pray confidently during difficult times. From illness and relationship issues to struggles with self-esteem and daily life stresses, dozens of topics are covered. Each section opens with a short devotional thought and applicable scripture.

Blessings for your Baby

Blessings for your Baby reminds the reader just how much God loves and cherishes each precious new boyn child and highlights that our Father in heaven who created the sun, moon and stars, also knows each little one by name.

Hope Rising 365: Thoughts and reflections for the whole year

A lot can happen in a year. There may be highlights, lowlights or massive life changes. Sometimes things are incredibly exciting and sometimes they're really scary. Hope Rising 365: Thoughts and reflections for the whole year is full of inspiring devotions, especially for girls/women.