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Evangelism & Mission

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Creating a culture of Invitation in your church

We like to think of our churches as welcoming. Michael Harvey, an expert on church growth, asks, 'How welcoming can we be if we don't take our welcome outside with the gift of an invitation?' God sent his son to invite us all into a relationship, and so to be like God is to be a person who invites.
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Resourcing Rural Ministry: Practical insights for mission

Drawing on the expertise of the Arthur Rank Centre, this title explores the various key aspects and challenges of leading a rural church.

101 great ideas for growing healthy churches

A modem guide A variety of experienced church leaders, missioners and other practitioners share simple and effective ideas for enhancing the life, worship and witness of every local church.

The Church and Boys: Making the Connection

Why are boys so under-represented in churches? Why do churches find it so difficult to cater for boys? What would help boys in church grow into mature men of faith?

How to pioneer (even if you haven't a clue)

Small new Christian communities created by pioneer ministers, both lay and ordained, are popping up everywhere - on housing estates, in community centres, schools, cafes, among different age groups and in numerous other contexts beyond the local church.

Faith Generation: Retaining young people & growing the church

The recent Church Growth Research (see identifies that the successful transmission of faith to children and young people is a key factor in stemming decline and promoting growth. This book explores the cultural and theological reasons as to why this is the case and makes research-based recommendations for the faith formation of children and young people.

Creative Mission

Over 50 Ideas for special days, celebrations, festivals, community-based projects and seasonal activities. THIS ITEM IS REPORTED AS 'REPRINT UNDER CONSIDERATION' AT PRESTENT

Sharing God's Blessing: How to renew the local church

A practical handbook to help churches recover confidence in their mission and ministry through conversations on the theme of blessing.

Making new disciples: Exploring the paradoxes of evangelism

Ten years on from their first book, 'Evangelism: Which way now?' - still a valued and much recommended resource - Mark Ireland and Mike Booker aim to take people a step further.

So Everyone Can Hear: Communicating church in a digital culture

In Matthew 11:15, Jesus says, 'Whoever has ears, let them hear'. How do we make sure we are saying things in a way that invites all people - no matter their background - to engage with what it means to be church today? This colourful, engaging and practical book will help leaders and members alike be more mindful of how they ‘communicate church’ both inside and outside of it within our dynamic

100 Ways to get your church noticed: revised and expanded edition

Now updated and enlarged, this book is packed with simple, good advice and effective ideas for generating the right kind of publicity for your church and its mission.

What makes churches grow?: Vision and practice in effective mission

Churches are growing. This prophetic and inspirational handbook by church growth expert Bob Jackson explores a variety of growing churches to identify what is making the difference between them and churches which are static or declining.

A Church for the Poor : Transforming the church to reach the poor in Britain today

Recent years have witnessed dramatic growth in churches across Britain finding ways to care for the poorest in their communities. Duncan Taylor - Integrity - See Safe

Reproducing Churches

Looking to plant a Church, or have recently done so? This theologically-focused book draws upon real churches, and Biblical teaching, to assist the growth of new congregations, and to sow seeds for future believers to step out in a similar fashion.

Reimagining Britain: Foundations For Hope

In a time of political turbulence, and as the Welfare State totters under the strain in a country that has changed dramatically since 1945, Archbishop Justin Welby sets out to identify the values that will enable us to reimagine, and to enact, a more hopeful future.

How To Pioneer: A 5 step guide to getting started

How to Pioneer: A five-step guide to getting started (Single Copy). This five-part group study booklet is designed to encourage and equip local church communities who are contemplating setting up a pioneering church community, but are unsure how to get going or what will be involved.

Fruitfulness on the frontline: Making a difference where you are

What does fruitfulness look like in our everyday lives? How can we serve God in the many, many hours of our waking time?

Mission Matters: Love Says Go

The Father delights in his Son. This is the starting point of mission, it's very core.

Sowing Reaping Keeping : People sensitive evangelism

People sensitive evangelism. Evangelism. It's a word that can be viewed with apprehension, misunderstanding or apathy, but it should be a major part of our Christian life. And what is evangelism? Laurence Singlehurst defines it as those who know Jesus, telling those who don't know Jesus, all about him. Which makes it sound a whole lot less intimidating than we often think it will be.

Unreached: Growing Churches in working-c

With the facts, social economic and historical background, Tim Chester looks to a challenging future offering the motivation and the means to reach the unreachable with the gospel message. With an urgent wake up call to Christians and churches, the key gospel themes relevant to working class and deprived areas are explored and plans for evangelism, discipleship and teaching discussed in the context of real world needs and issues.