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Doctrine, Theology & Ethics

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Can I really trust the Bible? and other questions about Scripture, truth and how God speaks

A short, readable book that explains clearly and simply what Christians believe about the Bible and how God speaks today.

How will the world end? and other questions about the last things and the second coming of Christ

A short, readable book that explains clearly and simply what the Bible says about Jesus' return and the end of the world.

*What makes us human?: And other questions about God, Jesus and human identity

What exactly are we? The modern world has many answers to that question, each of which has consequences for the choices we make about our own life and the lives of others.

The Real Heaven: What the Bible actually says

Amid all the popular conjecture about Heaven, what does the Bible actually say? And why does it matter? Chip Ingram sets aside the hype and myths and digs into the Scriptures to discover what God actually wants us to know about the afterlife hereafter. Most importantly, Ingram shows why our understanding of Heaven matters now, in this life. Because what we believe about Heaven actually affects us today in ways we may not have imagined.

Engaging with Atheists

Many Christians are fearful of engaging in conversation with atheists - thinking they will be hostile to Christian beliefs and conversations about the Bible.

Speaking the Truth: Preaching in a diverse culture

`Truth' is a difficult subject in a pluralistic culture, and `the truth' is even more challenging. Yet the preacher's call is to be a speaker of truth - the truth of God in Jesus Christ. What does it take to speak the truth faithfully as a preacher of the gospel, for that truth to be heard, and for words and ideas to generate actions and build relationships?

Paul's Missionary Methods: In His time and ours

This volume examines Paul's missionary methods from the perspective of Paul's activities in the first century and the perspective of his ongoing impact on missions today.

The Crucified God: 40th Anniversary edition

Jurgen Moltmann's The Crucified God is one of the most influential theological books of the twentieth century and a classic to be found on every reading list on Christian doctrine. Arguably the most powerful of Moltmann's books.

Biblical Hermeneutics: SCM Study Guide

The SCM Studyguide: Biblical Hermenuetics offers entry-level undergraduates a framework for interpreting the Bible. The book goes beyond offering guidance on how to do exegesis, and is intended as a practical tool to help readers develop good interpretative strategies for themselves.

From whom no secrets are hid: Introducing the Psalms

From whom no secrets are hid: Introducing the Psalms. Walter Brueggemann's masterful take on the Psalms as prayers will help readers to unveil their hopes and fears before God and, in turn, feel God's grace unveiled to them.

Why I Love The Apostle Paul

John Piper, a best-selling author and popular pastor who has preached to thousands around the world, claims no person other than Jesus Christ himself has had a greater impact on his life than the apostle Paul.

Convictions: A manifesto for progressiven Christians

Marcus Borg sets out his deepest convictions about God and the Bible, and reveals how a series of mystical experiences helped to make him a world champion of progressive, inclusive and politically engaged Christianity.

The Landscape of faith

'The Landscape Of Faith' is an explorer's guide to the Christian creeds. At Oxford University in the 1970s, Alister McGrath faced a crisis when he realized that his scientific atheism made less sense of reality than the ‘big picture’ offered by Christianity. A reluctant convert, he was astonished by the delight he found iin exploring a previously unknown world of ideas.