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Doctrine, Theology & Ethics

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The Crucified God: 40th Anniversary edition

Jurgen Moltmann's The Crucified God is one of the most influential theological books of the twentieth century and a classic to be found on every reading list on Christian doctrine. Arguably the most powerful of Moltmann's books.

God, Neighbour, Empire

In God, Neighbour, Empire, renowned Old Testament scholar Walter Brueggeman brings us a characteristically penetrating and provocative account of the ways in which the Old Testament is offered as an alternative to the imperial narrative that dominates ordinary imagination both in ancient times and in the present.

Post-Christendom: 2nd edition

In this second edition of this provocative and important book, Post-Christendom identifies the challenges and opportunities of this unsettling but exciting time. Stuart Murray presents an overview of the formation and development of the Christendom system, examines the legacies this has left, and highlights the questions that the Christian community needs to consider in this period of cultural tra

Biblical Hermeneutics: SCM Study Guide

The SCM Studyguide: Biblical Hermenuetics offers entry-level undergraduates a framework for interpreting the Bible. The book goes beyond offering guidance on how to do exegesis, and is intended as a practical tool to help readers develop good interpretative strategies for themselves.

Religious & Spiritual Experience SCM Guide

This Studyguide provides a succinct and lucid introduction to the subject for those studying and teaching religion at both undergraduate and GCE AS/A level. By exploring the key areas of both the empirical and theoretical study of religious and spiritual experience, the Studyguide will serve as an accessible and nonpartisan guide to enable its readers to explore the range of challenging data, debates, approaches, and issues that relate to the study of this widespread and significant phenomenon.

Christian Wisdom

What is Christian wisdom for living in the twenty-first century? Where is it to be found? How can it be learnt? In the midst of diverse religions and worldviews and the demands and complexities of our world, David Ford explores a Christian way of uniting love of wisdom with wisdom in love.

From whom no secrets are hid: Introducing the Psalms

From whom no secrets are hid: Introducing the Psalms. Walter Brueggemann's masterful take on the Psalms as prayers will help readers to unveil their hopes and fears before God and, in turn, feel God's grace unveiled to them.

Reformation Questions, Reformation Answers: 95 Key Events, People and Issues

What does 'Protestant' mean? What are the differences in worship among Protestants? Who were the Huguenots? What does the Reformation mean for us today? This new book by best-selling author Don McKim answers these questions and many more, providing the essential of the history of the Protestant Reformation. Ordered through Jeremy Bakewell This is a 'Print on Demand' Title

Awake to the Moment: An Introduction to Theology

In this introduction to the methods and tasks of theology, they invite a new generation of readers, many who will have little or no exposure to Christian doctrine, to see theology as a partner in the struggle for a better world. They demonstrate how theological ideas have 'legs,' playing themselves out not only in religious communities but in the public square as well. The Workgroup on Construc

Sabbath as Resistance

In this new edition that includes a study guide, popular author Walter Brueggemann writes that the Sabbath is not simply about keeping rules but rather about becoming a whole person and restoring a whole society.

Faithful improvisation? Theological reflections on church leadership

The publication in early 2015 of the Church of England report on senior leadership, together with Lord's Green report on the nurture of talent, sparked an important debate about the nature of church leadership. Is it shaped principally by the church's biblical and theological traditions, and can the world of business contribute valuable insights? Part One includes the full text of the 'Senior Ch

Rational Faith: A Philosopher's Defence of Christianity

If God exists, why doesn't he eliminate suffering and evil? Does evolution disprove Christianity? Can religion be explained by cognitive science? People have grappled for ages with these kinds of questions. And many in today's academic world find Christian belief untenable.

God's Not Dead

This book equips us with the tools, providing easy-to-follow explanations of the key concepts and controversies. 'God's Not Dead' is apologetics for the twenty-first century.

The Real Heaven: What the Bible actually says

Amid all the popular conjecture about Heaven, what does the Bible actually say? And why does it matter? Chip Ingram sets aside the hype and myths and digs into the Scriptures to discover what God actually wants us to know about the afterlife hereafter. Most importantly, Ingram shows why our understanding of Heaven matters now, in this life. Because what we believe about Heaven actually affects us today in ways we may not have imagined.

The Parables After Jesus: Their imaginitave receptions across two millennia

Jesus's enigmatic and compelling parables have fascinated their hearers since he first uttered them, and during the intervening centuries these parables have produced a multitude of interpretations. This accessibly written book explores the varying interpretations of Jesus's parables across two millennia to demonstrate how powerfully they continue to challenge people's hearts, minds, and imaginations.

What shall we say? Evil, suffering and the Crisis of Faith.

Evil, suffering and the crisis of Faith. How can God allowso much innocent human suffering.

Thy word is truth: Barth on scripture

This book contains a collection of essays which introduce Barth with clarity and depth. It also provides ministers and other serious readers with an overview of Barth’s views on Scripture.

Reality, Grief, Hope:Three urgent prophetic tasks

In this new book; 'Reality, Grief, Hope' Walter Brueggemann probes the tasks performed by the ancient prophets of Israel and points out striking correlations between the destruction of Jerusalem in 587 BCE and the catastrophic crisis of 9/11 in AD 2001.

The Work of Theology

A 'how-to' book on theology from a world-renowned theologian. In this book Stanley Hauerwas returns to the basics of 'doing' theology. Revisiting some of his earliest philosophical and theological views to better understand and clarify what he has said before, Hauerwas explores how theological reflection can be understood as an exercise in practical reason.Hauerwas includes chapters on a wide array of topics, including 'How I Think I Learned to Think Theologically,' 'How the Holy Spirit Works,' 'How to Write a Theological Sentence,' and 'How to Be Theologically Funny.'

Rehearsing Scripture: Discovering God's word in community

SCRIPTURE. We can study it carefully. We can listen to sermons on it and read what the experts say about it. But in the end, says Anna Carter Florence, Scripture needs to be rehearsed and encountered—and we can do that best in community with others.