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Doctrine, Theology & Ethics

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Christian Wisdom

What is Christian wisdom for living in the twenty-first century? Where is it to be found? How can it be learnt? In the midst of diverse religions and worldviews and the demands and complexities of our world, David Ford explores a Christian way of uniting love of wisdom with wisdom in love.

Reformation Questions, Reformation Answers: 95 Key Events, People and Issues

What does 'Protestant' mean? What are the differences in worship among Protestants? Who were the Huguenots? What does the Reformation mean for us today? This new book by best-selling author Don McKim answers these questions and many more, providing the essential of the history of the Protestant Reformation. Ordered through Jeremy Bakewell This is a 'Print on Demand' Title

Gender:The Inclusive Church Resource: Personal experiences, theological and practical resources.

Gender : The Inclusive Church Resource, offers personal experiences together with theological and practical resources. It aims to be the ideal handbook for churches seeking to be welcoming and open to all.

A Philosophy of the Christian Religion

A Philosophy of the Christian Religion offers a new kind of introduction to the subject. Whereas most introductions in the past have attempted to deal with religion in general, this book focuses on philosophical issues of special importance too Christianity. In doing this, Nancey Murphy also takes full account of how conceptual revolutions in philosophy now mean that what older introductions terme

Scripture and the Authority of God

Removing the baggage that the last 100 years of controversy and confusion have placed on the doctrine of scripture and God's authority, Tom Wright renews your confidence in the Bible and shows how it can once again serve as the living Word of God for our lives.

Mere Apologetics

'Mere Apologetics' helps the reader work out their own way to effectively communicate the gospel. Armed with the tools we need to engage others on this subject, we are guided on choosing the best approach for our particular personality and how we can adapt our approach to suit our audience. Practical, insightful and warmly affirming, this book will have you longing for a chance to put these techniques into practice.

Faithful improvisation? Theological reflections on church leadership

The publication in early 2015 of the Church of England report on senior leadership, together with Lord's Green report on the nurture of talent, sparked an important debate about the nature of church leadership. Is it shaped principally by the church's biblical and theological traditions, and can the world of business contribute valuable insights? Part One includes the full text of the 'Senior Ch

Rational Faith: A Philosopher's Defence of Christianity

If God exists, why doesn't he eliminate suffering and evil? Does evolution disprove Christianity? Can religion be explained by cognitive science? People have grappled for ages with these kinds of questions. And many in today's academic world find Christian belief untenable.

What shall we say? Evil, suffering and the Crisis of Faith.

Evil, suffering and the crisis of Faith. How can God allowso much innocent human suffering.

Baptism: It's Purpose, Practice and Power

'Therefore go make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.' Baptism: as an infant, as a believer and by the Holy Spirit. Michael Green provides a bold, clear examination of the different approaches, examining the biblical evidence and teaching for each one.

Sound Doctrine: How a church grows in the love and holiness of God

Sound doctrine is the life-blood of God's people, providing the foundation for the church's unity and witness. From shaping the corporate life of the church to directing individuals in the practical issues of life, right thinking about God, humanity, sin, and salvation is indispensable for real growth.

The Great Unknown?: What the Bible says about Heaven and Hell

Throughout the ages, every culture has been full of explanations which try to make the uncomfortableness of death and eternity more palatable - and the 21st century is no different. As you read this book, you will walk through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, exploring the big picture of what God has revealed about The Great Unknown.

Why the Reformation still matters

On 31st October 1517, Martin Luther posted his ninety-five theses on the castle church door in Wittenberg. More than any other event, this has been the best claim to be the starting gun that set the reformation in motion.

Atheism after Christendom: Unbelief in an age of encounter

As Christendom continues to dwindle, atheism becomes an increasingly safe pastime. Now that we live in a post-Christendom era, the New Atheists boldly oppose the god of a bygone age, whilst dutifully serving the new gods of our own age. These new gods include the insurmountable, dehumanizing and oppressive political, economic and social forces that acquire power at the expense of the powerless.

The Bible: A Book Full of Stories

If we are to fully understand the riches of the Old Testament, we have to embrace the language of story. This book is an exploration of story. The first part is a series of 27 Bible studies from Genesis, Exodus and the gospels.

Ethnicity:The Inclusive Church Resource: Personal experiences, theological and practical resources

Ethnicity : The Inclusive Church Resource, offers personal experiences together with theological and practical resources. It aims to be the ideal handbook for churches seeking to be welcoming and open to all.

Exploring Christian Ethics: An introduction to key methods and debates

Talking about ethics tends to involve talking about what we should or, more often, shouldn't do. We talk about setting limits on actions that, for whatever reason, we think are either wrong or somehow harmful to ourselves or others. The aim off this book, however, is to explore Christian ethics within a wider, more positive framework – one that that views Christianity's moral resources as part of the good news that it proclaims to all creation.

Celebrating Christian Initiation: Baptism, confirmation and rites for the Christian journey

Drawing on research carried out at part of the Baptism Project, and making helpful connections with popular catechetical material from sources such as Pilgrim, Simon Jones considers how, where, and for whom rites of Christian initiation are celebrated, and how baptism has been rediscovered as fundamental to the Church's identity and mission.

Jesus: A very brief history

Who was Jesus? This short study, with a historical leaning towards Jesus the historical figure, explores the Jesus who lived 2000 years ago.

Jesus & Philosophy

Around twenty years or so after his death, the fiery and interesting Jewish teacher Jesus of Nazareth was made into the personification of his own teaching, and given an exalted cosmic status.