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Christian Life

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Katie Piper: A Little bit of Hope

A Little Bit of Hope is an uplifting book filled with positive, bite-sized affirmations by inspirational TV presenter and charity campaigner Katie Piper. Perfect to take with you wherever you go and are in need a positive boost to overcome your fears and be your best self.

Searching for enough: The High-Wire Walk Between Doubt and Faith

Do you ever find yourself thinking, ‘I’m not enough, and I’m never going to be. And I know I’m not supposed to say this, but God’s not enough for me either.’

Narrow Path: How The Subversive Way of Jesus Satisfies Our Souls

‘In The Narrow Path, Rich is telling a biography of Jesus – the Divine One who not only clears the way, teaches the way, and shows the way, but is the Way. The path is narrow because it is only as wide as the person of Christ. But it is big enough for everyone’s unique journey of life because he is the saviour of all.’ Justin Welby

Am I Beautiful? Breaking Free from Society's toxic obsession with body image

Packed with biblical truth to combat society’s harmful and insidious lies - Contains practical exercises and questions - Encourages women to see their true identity in God - Helpful for anyone struggling with issues around self-worth, identity or low self esteem - Suitable for women of all ages and walks of life

In the Fullness of Time: A Story from the past & Future of the Church

This is a book about the present and future of the church in our own challenging context; a secular age, decline, stretched resources, complex and fragmented communities requiring diverse missional approaches.

Communities of Hope

Growing Christian Community through social action

God Story The

The God Story is a compelling and creative retelling of the biblical story. Alain Emerson and Adam Cox - two leaders of the 24-7 Prayer movement - help you find personal meaning and purpose in light of God's unfailing love and awe-inspiring plans for humanity as laid out in Scripture.

Shaped by the Spirit

We are formed by the Spirit, formed through our experiences with others and formed for the sake of God's mission in the world. Together we will see how God - the grand recycler - wants to use every part of our past and personality to shape us into other-focussed people.

Living His Story Together

Now, in Living His Story Together, she turns her attention to mission and evangelism that is not only for individuals but for the whole local church. Offering an inspiring mandate for the church to see itself as a missionary community, Hannah considers the practical outworkings of that identity through engaging with scripture and current theological thinking, and sharing real-life stories from chu

Hopeful Activist The

All around us there are signs of a broken world, situations that are just not right. Where do we begin? Sometimes we simply don't know what to do. Or maybe you are busy 'doing' and it's tough, even bringing you close to burn out.

Writing the Wisdom... Creative writing as healing from childhood trauma

Writing the Wisdom explores the emotional impact of childhood sexual abuse in an informative and accessible way whilst also giving a rare insight through writing, into the lived experience of survivors.

Everyday God.. Encountering the Divine in the works of mercy

In these pages, you’ll witness how acts of social and environmental justice, intertwined with mercy, have the potential to reshape lives, offering a vivid portrait of the profound impact of embracing the everyday God. As he reflects upon Jesus’s teaching in Matthew 25:34–40, Arnold challenges us to discover God’s presence in the most unexpected places and join in with where God is acting, whether

Tis Mercy All.. The power of mercy in a polarised world

A book to help you rediscover the often overlooked spiritual discipline of mercy, learning how a proper understanding of God's mercy towards ourselves and others is the antidote to the conflict and anger that's so widespread in our increasingly divided world.

Unfiltered Enneagram.. A Witty and wise guide to self compassion

From Instagram’s snarkiest Enneagram expert comes a hilarious and insightful book that shows how embracing our shadow side is our best path toward greater self-awareness and compassion

On Voice..Speech, Song, Silence: Human and Divine

Through the lens of Christian worship, theology and culture, the voice is explored as a spoken, sung and heard phenomenon. As an animateur of worship and working towards a theology of voice, Victoria reflects on the power of the church’s musical and liturgical heritage to cut through the clamour of our modern-day echo chambers and the roar of populism, empower those who are seldom heard, and speak

Transformations..Theology in Trans and Non-binary lives

Trans Formations is not a book about trans and non-binary Christians it is a book by trans and non-binary Christians. Who we are, what we experience, and what we understand stretches beyond trans-apologetics to formative anthropological and theological notions without which the body of anthropological and theological knowledge is incomplete.

Activating the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

God has destined you to move in the gifts of the Spirit with ease and ability. Learn how you can experience the fullness of God's power by operating in the realm of the supernatural!

God the Child:Small, Weak and Curious Subversions

This experimental theological adventure imagines what might flow from a more thorough 'be-child-inf' og God. Aware that a child can be idealized, he selects particular characteristics of childness in order to disrupt God's omnipresence, opnipotence and omniscience.

You are never Alone

When life gets difficult, is God paying attention? If I'm facing challenge after challenge, will God help? When my days become dark and stormy, does God notice? The answer in the life-giving stories in the Gospel of John is a resounding yes.

On the Way to Work

Does your work give you a sense of purpose? How do you feel when work serves up difficulties and problems? How do we work well? Is there a God, and might God have something to say about the way we work? Weaving together biblical perspectives with academic research and his own experiences of working in different settings, Chris Gillies lays the theological foundation for work, moves on to examining