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And I Will Bless Them (By the Author of Grace Outpouring)

This transformational book and video series will lead you into a new experience of blessing and a powerful ministry of speaking transformative blessing upon people, communities, land, regions, and nations. How can we become God’s conduits for blessing to those around us?

A Parent's Guide to Depression & Anxiety

“Real Christians don’t get depressed or anxious.” Lies like this only fuel the mental health crisis facing today’s teens. Discover what depression and anxiety are, when and how to seek treatment, and 9 practical tips to support your teen.

Explaining Prayer

The Explaining Series books have always been amongst Sovereign World's bestsellers. Each book is just 64 pages and focuses upon a vital aspect of Christian faith and doctrine. They are written in a style that presents the Bible's teaching with clarity and simplicity

From the Shores of Silence: Conversations in Feminist Practical Theology

Feminist practical theology is bold in exploration of doctrinal themes in poetic and prayerful modes, characteristically collaborative and in search of alliances with other advocacy perspectives. In the UK, such commitments have been exemplified by Nicola Slee.

Mary: Bearer of Life

Whether through suspicion or ignorance, serious consideration of what Mary can teach us has been lacking in large swathes of the church for some time. Drawing on careful biblical exegesis, church history and ecumenical thinking, this book suggests how a serious understanding of Mary might influence our ethical thought, and considers some of the key theological tensions at the heart of the church's

One Minute Prayers to Unwind a Worried Mind

What Do You Need to Release to God Today? When troubled thoughts tumble ceaselessly. When all you long for is a sense of peace. When you don’t even have the words to speak the weight you feel. The daily meditations in this book will give language to your heart’s needs. As you consider Scripture and pause in prayer for provision, security, restoration, healing, and hope, you will lean more wholly o

One Minute Prayers to Pray for your Kids

These short prayers and Scripture verses make it easy for you to spend time each day talking to God about your child’s life, future, and faith. In parenting, prayer is a powerful ally.

Moment of Truth: Reflections on Incarnation & Resurrection

In this collection of seasonal reflections, Samuel Wells unpacks the substance of these key Christian doctrines, and explores their practical implications for living as Christians in the world:...

Shaping Your Future Leadership: Learning from your life experiences

Confident and capable leaders recognise what has shaped them. They have an understanding of their past, and are continually learning from the life journeys of themselves and others. They are fully engaged in the present, and have a positive, open and realistic mindset towards the future.

Do I Stay Christian? A Guide for Doubters, The Disappointed & The Disillusioned

There is a way to say both yes and no to the question of staying Christian, McLaren says, by shifting the focus from whether we stay Christian to how we stay human. If Do I Stay Christian? is the question you're asking - or if it's a question that someone you love is asking - this is the book you've been waiting for. 'Brian's new book on remaining Christian knocks it out of the ballpark in terms o

Beloved Names of God

This beautifully-packaged book makes a perfect gift for a family member or friend. . .or even for yourself!
£7.99 £4.99

Fun Bible Sudoko Large Print

50+ Large Print Sudoku Puzzle and Bible Trivia in One Great Package!

3-Minute Devotions for Men

Here is a collection of moments from the true Source of all inspiration and encouragement--God's Word. Within these pages, you'll be guided through just-right-size readings that you can experience in as few as three minutes. These devotions aren't meant to be a replacement for digging deep into the scriptures or for personal, in-depth quiet time.

Bibel Speaks Today/ Jeremiah

We must encounter the God of Jeremiah, an encounter that should be both profoundly disturbing and ultimately reassuring, as it was for him. In the end, Jeremiah is a book of the victory of God's love and grace. His redemptive, reconstructive work fills the book's future horizon - a future that we see fulfilled in the New Testament through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, the Messiah; and

Bible Speaks Today/ Lamintations

Wright shows that as Christian readers we must not, and cannot, isolate Lamentations from the rest of the Bible; and equally, that we should not read the rest of the Bible without Lamentations. We must still let it speak for itself, as a book for today.

A Manifesto for Hope: Ten Principals for Transforming the Lives of Children, Young people & Their Families

A Manifesto for Hope sets out ten tried-and-tested practical principles for how to develop joined-up, cost-effective, community-empowering work, gleaned from the hard-won experience that has sat at the heart of Steve Chalke's mission over the past four decades.

Sturated with God: A Cry for Nation Changing Revival

Do you feel weary, tired, dry? Do you feel in need of spiritual refreshment? It's time for us to become a people saturated by God.

Bible Speaks Today: Proverbs

Despite the centuries which separate us from the authors of these proverbs, the everyday realities of human existence remain: making friends, coping with sexuality, handling money, responding to poverty, making a living, learning through loss, muddling through difficulties, facing death.

How to Talk about Jesus Without Looking like an Idiot

Why is it so difficult to talk to our closest friends about what's most important to us? Our true identity? Our hopes and dreams? Our true purpose and faith? It doesn't need to be awkward. Let Andy help you find easy ways to talk about the true meaning of life with your friends and family.

2024 Common Worship Lectionary

This essential handbook for the preparation of worship presents the authorised Bible readings (references only) for the liturgical year beginning Advent Sunday 2023.