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Serving without sinking

Many of us are serving, and feel like we're sinking. We feel joyless, weary and burdened. John Hindley shows how Jesus was telling the truth when he offered people an "easy yoke" a way of serving him that is joyful and liberating. He explains why serving is so often joyless and how our identity in Christ changes everything.

What Did I Come Upstairs For?

Thoughts and blessings for the muddle-aged! Ideal for those who are young at heart, but just a fraction older in other places!!

Hope and Happiness

Thoughts and stories from 25 years with The Leprosy Mission.

A Little Book of Wit and Wisdom by Eddie Askew

This splendid gift book features some of Eddie's warmest, wisest and wittiest thoughts for the day, together with examples of his wonderful artwork. Every page will make you smile and leave you something to think about.

A little book of Comfort: Thoughts and blessings for tough times

This 'Leprosy Mission' book contains a special compilation of photos, prayers, quotes and Bible verses to reassure and strengthen all those facing tough times or challenging situations.

Has anyone seen my glasses?: Thoughts & blessings for the muddle-aged!

Does the phone ring and you answer the TV remote control? Do you gaze into the fridge completely unable to remember what you opened it for? Do you call out a search party to find you glasses before your favourite TV programme starts?

Bloopers and Blessings: A little book of church humour

This little book of church humour includes a whole variety of bulletin bloopers, quirky quotes, amusing anecdotes, mishaps and misunderstandings.

Edge of Daylight: Memoirs of a life with the Leprosy Mission (New Edition)

A brand new updated edition of Eddie Askew's memoirs, with a new chapter from his daughter, Jenny Hawke, bringing the story up to date. Share his adventures, enjoy his humorous anecdotes and discover more about the work of TLM.

Celtic Blessings

This uplifting compilation of Celtic blessings, Bible verses and inspiring photos of God's creation reminds us that God is close to us throughout the day, wherever we are and whatever we are doing.

Snails have no reverse gear!

'Snails have no reverse gear' brings together a choice selection of Eddie Askew's inspiring prayers and thoughts for the day focusing on a variety of different animals and compiled from his previous best-selling books.

Welcome to the Wonder Years! : Thoughts and blessings for the muddle-aged!

I wonder where I parked the car? I wonder what I came upstairs for? I wonder where I left my phone? Do these questions sound familiar? Well then, perhaps you've reached the Wonder Years - that special time in life when each day is simply wonder-full!

A Bouquet of Blessings

A Bouquet of Blessings contains heart-warming blessing and inspirational Bible verses. This book is ideal for those wonderful people who deserve a special bunch of flowers. 46 Pages. Hard cover.

Seashells and Sandwiches

Eddie Askew had a wonderful eye for detail, and a keen appreciation of the everyday miracles that so many of us take for granted.

Blessings for your Baby

Blessings for your Baby reminds the reader just how much God loves and cherishes each precious new boyn child and highlights that our Father in heaven who created the sun, moon and stars, also knows each little one by name.

Why did Jesus die? new edition

Is sin outdated? Why should one man die for other people's sings? Why is the cross so important to Christians today?

Alpha Team Guide: What do you think?

Is There More To Life Than This? Why & How Do I Pray? Does God Heal Today? This guide is designed for those hosting or helping on an Alpha course. It corresponds with training videos you can find online and provides notes for each session to assist you in leading the samll group time.

Hope to carry on: Knowing God's comfort in life and death

Explains what God has done to give us real hope in the face of death – hope both now and for the future.

New baby survival guide pink cover: Bite sized Bible reading for new mothers

A new baby is a wonderful gift from the Lord, bringing great joy—but also sleepless nights, constant laundry and, sometimes, total exhaustion. It can be hard to read your Bible and pray.

Can I really trust the Bible? and other questions about Scripture, truth and how God speaks

A short, readable book that explains clearly and simply what Christians believe about the Bible and how God speaks today.

How will the world end? and other questions about the last things and the second coming of Christ

A short, readable book that explains clearly and simply what the Bible says about Jesus' return and the end of the world.