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Bible Study & Reference

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Galatians. A Life in Letters

While centred on the writing of Paul’s letter to the church in Galatia, the author follows Paul’s story and theological development through his early life and conversion to his ministry in Antioch and first missionary journey. By presenting Paul as a tangible, flesh and blood human, readers will better understand the message of Galatians – that there is unity and freedom to be had in Christ.

Bible Speaks Today/Message of Isaiah

The message of Isaiah. On eagles' wings. Barry Webb invites his readers to see Isaiah's vision of God's glory, and the wonder of access to him. ***THIS TITLE IS CURRENTLY REPRINT UNDER CONSIDERATION***

All the women of the Bible

This volume, part of Lockyer's All Series, contains detailed indexing of the life and times of all the women of the Bible.

BST/Message of Psalms 1-72

This is the first volume of a practical and readable introduction to the Psalms which effectively unfolds the text and meaning as songs for the people of God. The book will be helpful in using the Psalms in church services, and includes an exposition of every Psalm, long or short, familiar or neglected.

BST/Message of Psalms 72-150

This is the second volume of a practical and readable introduction to the Psalms which effectively unfolds the text and meaning as songs for the people of God. The book will be helpful in using the Psalms in church services, and includes an exposition of every Psalm, long or short, familiar or neglected.

Into the Heart of Romans

With a special focus on Romans 8, Wright leads you on an eye-opening journey, clearly explaining the many ways in which Paul throws light on so much else that God reveals in Scripture: God the Father, Christology and the Spirit; Jesus' Messiahship, cross, resurrection and ascension; salvation, redemption and adoption; suffering and glory; holiness and hope.

Cover to Cover: Daniel: New Edition

These helpful guides in the Cover to Cover series are ideal for group and individual study. Experience the reality of Bible events like never before and live through the inspiring lives of key characters in Scripture. Learn how to apply God's Word to your life as you explore seven compelling sessions.

Bibel Speaks Today/ Jeremiah

We must encounter the God of Jeremiah, an encounter that should be both profoundly disturbing and ultimately reassuring, as it was for him. In the end, Jeremiah is a book of the victory of God's love and grace. His redemptive, reconstructive work fills the book's future horizon - a future that we see fulfilled in the New Testament through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, the Messiah; and

Bible Speaks Today/ Lamintations

Wright shows that as Christian readers we must not, and cannot, isolate Lamentations from the rest of the Bible; and equally, that we should not read the rest of the Bible without Lamentations. We must still let it speak for itself, as a book for today.

Bible Speaks Today: Proverbs

Despite the centuries which separate us from the authors of these proverbs, the everyday realities of human existence remain: making friends, coping with sexuality, handling money, responding to poverty, making a living, learning through loss, muddling through difficulties, facing death.

Bible in Ten: Any Book in the Bible....

Bible in Ten is for everyone who wants to be connected with all that is unexpected, beautiful and astonishing in the Bible.

Read through the Bible in a Year Map

THE ORIGINAL Read through the Bible in a Year Map! A Start-to-Finish Map to Guide You through God’s Word.

Revelation of Jesus Christ

This spiritually penetrating and outstandingly original exposition of the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ opens the substance of seventeen consecutive lectures given by John Metcalfe, in the central Assembly Hall, Church House, Westminster, London

Story of the King James version The

This is a history of the King James Version of the Bible over the four hundred years from its remote beginnings to the present day. Gordon Campbell, expert in Renaissance literatures, tells the fascinating and complex story of how this translation came to be commissioned, of who the translators were, and of how the translation was accomplished.

Living in Love and Faith: The Course

Living in Love and Faith: The Course aims to help Christians think more deeply about what it means to be human. It provides a structured and accessible way for local groups to engage in and reflect on Living in Love and Faith, a major exploration of Christian teaching and learning about identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage.

Being With: Leaders Guide

The Being With course is an introduction to Christianity with a difference. At its heart is the idea that God's greatest desire is to be with us in Jesus.

Being With: Participants' Guide

The Being With course is an introduction to Christianity with a difference.

NIV Bible in One Year With Commentary

'My favourite way to start the day' - BEAR GRYLLS Discover the life-changing habit of daily Bible reading.

Hope Explored: Leaders Handbook

- Leader's handbook for three-session, video-based evangelistic course, Hope Explored - Hope Explored is an easy to run course which doesn't require a huge time-commitment - A hassle-free introduction to Christianity

Hope Explored Handbook

- For participants in the Hope Explored course - This handbook contains everything a guest needs for the course - Across three-sessions participants will see Christianity offer real hope, peace & purpose