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The Five Love Languages : The secret to love that lasts

Falling in love is easy. Staying in love - that's the challenge! How can you keep your relationship fresh and growing amid the demands and conflicts and just plain boredom of everyday life?

Building Love Together in Blended Families: The 5 Love Languages and becoming Stepfamily smart

Create a Loving and Safe Environment for Your Blended Family. Blended families face unique challenges, and sadly, good intentions are not always enough. With so many complex relationships involved, all the normal rules for family life change, even how you apply something as simple as the five love languages. This is a practical and empowering book for parents and children alike.

Five love languages mens edition

Husbands are commanded to love their wives. But do you know what really makes your wife feel loved? Are you tired of missed cues and confusing signals? Everyone has a primary love language-quality time, words of affirmation, gifts, acts of service, or physical touch.