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Nelson Publishing

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God's Not Dead

This book equips us with the tools, providing easy-to-follow explanations of the key concepts and controversies. 'God's Not Dead' is apologetics for the twenty-first century.

MacArthur Bible Commentary

The MacArthur Bible Commentary treats every passage of the Old Testament and New Testament phrase by phrase, with hundreds of word studies as sidebars throughout.

Nelson's compact Bible dictionary

A compact Bible dictionary. It offers an A-to-Z resource, with teaching outlines to make lesson and sermon preparation easier.

The Anointing

Shows people how to prepare for the precious anointing and the effects God's touch will have. The book picks up where 'Good Morning, Holy Spirit' leaves off, leading readers to an experience of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and introducing them to the power of God so they can act in that power.

Welcome, Holy Spirit

How you can experience the dynamic work of the Holy Spirit in your life

Cast of Characters

Common People in the Hands of an Uncommon God

Can man live without God

This special edition book celebrates one of the most classic messages of our day. Ravi Zacharias spells out how Jesus Christ brings meaning and hope to our lives.

Dreams and Visions

Jesus appears to be revealing himself to Muslims through powerful dreams and visions throughout the Islamic world today, and the results are dramatic. In 'Dreams and Visions' Tom Doyle takes the reader deep into the heart of the Middle East to meet believers who have been directly touched by the very hand of God.