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Bob Hartmans Astounding All-Age Bible Readings for holidays & holy days

Each year they come round: readings for Advent, Christmas, Harvest, Easter and every other holy day. And the question is, ‘How do I make them fresh? How do I help my church hear with new ears the readings they have heard a hundred times before?’ This collection of scripture retellings is meant to do just that, with passages relating to holidays and holy days from Years A, B and C of the Revised

Young Person's Quick Guide to Leadership

Young Person's Quick Guide to Leadership is for young people aged 16-21 who find themselves in leadership in a school, college or group. An essential resource for schools, uniformed organisations and sports clubs.

Deep Calls to Deep: 30 short reflections on selected Psalms

In this inspiring meditative collection, Linda Ottewell has chosen an extract from a Psalm as a springboard for her thoughts and ideas, which are presented as a short reflection and then rounded off with a prayer or poem, a verse or two from Scripture, or part of a well-loved hymn. It’s a book to dip into when you have a few minutes. You’ll find a variety of themes, including upbeat praise and worship, crying out to God for help in times of trouble, admitting doubts and fears, expressing an intense longing for God, and confessing sins.

Sunday School in a Tin: Stories, games & creative ideas for Year C

No planning, no preparation, no photocopying or collection of lids or yoghurt pots - once you have filled your tin or box with a few inexpensive and easy to find resources you will be set up for the rest of the year. For each Sunday there is a story, based on the lectionary readings, a game, something to make using what you already have in your tin, and a child-friendly prayer.

The Puzzle of Pastoral Care: A practical approach

The Puzzle Of Pastoral care is for anyone who is responsible for, interested in or practising pastoral care: lay or ordained; in full time or part time ministry; paid or voluntary. Anyone being trained in pastoral care or responsible for training others. The issues raised are relevant to churches of all denominations.

Lift Off! Leadership skills for 7 to 12 year olds

'Lift Off!' is a brief guide to help young people who are given leadership roles. Ideal for children of junior school age.

God in the Garden: Weekly Bible reflections for the gardener's year

God in the Garden is perfect for anyone that enjoys being outdoors throughout the year. It helps us find and connect with God across the changing seasons through weekly devotionals.

Hymns we've always loved cd box set

50 Favourite hymns, 22 well loved Christmas carols. songs set in a lower key to suit the range of the more mature voice. clear lead vocals