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Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries: Hosea

Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries - Hosea

Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries: Joel & Amos

Tyndale Old Teastament Commentaries - Joel and Amos

Cherished: Boys, bodies and becoming a girl of God

Rachel Gardner tackles head-on the issues facing teenage girls: self-image, the pull of the in-crowd, puberty, boys, sex, regrets and godly ambition. Credible yet shot through with biblical wisdom, parents and youthworkers can give this book to those they care for with confidence.

Know the Truth: A handbook of Christian Belief

Third Edition 'You will know the truth,' said Jesus, 'and the truth will set you free.' Each chapter deals with one aspect of biblical truth and encourages further study with Scripture references to look up, questions for discussion, and books for additional reading. The main sections conclude with practical reflection on how the Bible's teaching challenges us and moves us to adore the living Go

Apollos Old Testament Commentary:Ecclesiastes/Song of songs

For Daniel Fredericks, allowing the thematic words and phrases of Ecclesiastes to speak with their Hebrew voices demonstrates its affinity with the breadth of Old Testament legal, poetic, wisdom and prophetic writings as well as the teachings of Christ and the apostles. Ecclesiastes is found in the canon of Scripture because it plays a significant role in a cumulative theology of the Old and New T
£24.99 £12.49

Be still my soul: Readings on pain

When life becomes difficult- when we face deep disappointment, agonizing loss or ongoing pain - we set out on a search to find answers to significant questions: Why would God allow this to happen? What good could come out of this? What will it look like to trust God?

Christian Beliefs: 20 Basics every Christian should know

A good understanding of Christian teaching is important for pastors, missionaries and other church leaders and workers. However, newer Christians, especially those not from church backgrounds, also need grounding in basic beliefs.

Bringing the Gospel home: Sharing your faith with family and friends

Sharing your faith with family and friends. Randy Newman equips ordinary Christians to share our faith in Jesus with those who know us well. Realistic and honest about how family relationships can work, he provides secure biblical underpinning for our conversations, true stories to encourage us and practical guidance on approaches that, with God's Spirit, can work.