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A Very Happy Easter

This fresh retelling of the Easter Story focuses on the emotions of Jesus' friends and invites children to copy the expressions they are making. As they learn about how Jesus died and rose again, they will see that Jesus' friends felt fear, sadness, surprise and joy, and they will have the opportunity to think about how they would have felt. T

Where is God in a Coronavirus World?

We are living through a unique, era-defining period. Many of our old certainties have gone, whatever our view of the world and whatever our beliefs. The coronavirus pandemic and its effects are perplexing and unsettling for all of us. This book from John C. Lennox will help everyone find answers from the Christian faith that provide both perspective and hope.

Is hell for real? And other quetions about judgment eternity & The God of love

The word Hell conjures up all kinds of nightmares in people's minds. But also presents a difficulty for many Christians. How can a God who the Bible says literally 'is love' condemn anyone to an eternity of torment? Will punishment be eternal? Is Hell for real?

Christianity Explored new edition : What's the best news you've ever had?

The Christianity Explored Participants handbook contains everything course members need to follow the course. Each handbook has space to write notes and includes a section identifying the historical reliability of Mark's Gospel.

Christianity Explored DVD

The award-winning introduction to Christianity, the Christianity Explored DVD comes with 14 subtitled languages including Chinese, Spanish and Arabic. This insightful and visually stunning DVD is presented by gifted evangelist, Rico Tice.

The Real Jesus

An evangelistic booklet written by Rico Tice & Barry Cooper focusing on who Jesus was, why he came and what our response to him should be. It is now newly designed making it an attractive and affordable resource for giving away at carol services, guest events and other evangelistic meetings.

Life Explored Leader's Kit: What's the best gift God could give you?

Life Explored helps people uncover what they're really living for, and shows how, in Christ, God meets our deepest desire for happiness.