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Practicing The Way: The New Book by John Mark Comer

Calling us to be shaped in his likeness. To experience his abundance of life. But how, practically, can we do that? By becoming his apprentice. By practicing the Way. Outlining the timeless process of being with Jesus, becoming like him, and living as he did, bestselling author and pastoral voice John Mark Comer delineates God's vision for the journey of our soul.

How to be (Un)Successful

This timely book invites us to unpick humanity's elusive search for the wrong sort of success and how Jesus' life and teachings invite us to discover a success that truly satisfies our souls.

Live No Lies: Recognize and Resist the Three Enemies That Sabotage Your Peace

With warmth and encouragement Pastor John Mark Comer, author of ECPA Bestseller The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, offers guidance and advice to help you recognise the lies and resist the forces that seek to steal your happiness, wholeness and holiness.

And Yet: Finding Joy in Lament

In a life full of highs and lows, choice and challenges, the words 'and yet' can change everything. We are surrounded by darkness and yet there is light. We feel we are lacking and yet God provides. We are broken and bruised and yet there is hope. In the depths of depression and plagued with suicidal thoughts, Rachael Newham never thought she'd find herself writing a book on joy..