In these pages, you’ll witness how acts of social and environmental justice, intertwined with mercy, have the potential to reshape lives, offering a vivid portrait of the profound impact of embracing the everyday God. As he reflects upon Jesus’s teaching in Matthew 25:34–40, Arnold challenges us to discover God’s presence in the most unexpected places and join in with where God is acting, whether
Packed with vivid, often deeply moving memories and evocative photographs, this book tells John's story against the backdrop of the developing National Children's Home. Throughout his life he has kept in touch with the home (now Action for Children) and is well placed to describe the changes in it's approach and some of the remarkable men & women who gave their lives for homeless children.
An Advent and Christmas Journey in Nine Stories Following on from her bestselling Women of Holy Week, Paula Gooder uses her extensive biblical expertise and storytelling skills to recreate the events of the nativity, from the promise of a future people to Sarah, to the presentation in the temple and the encounter with Anna, the prophetess. The story is told from the perspective of nine women
The Common Worship Main Volume is the primary worship and service book for the Church of England. It contains material used on Sundays by most churches: a variety of Communion services and non-eucharistic forms of worship, as well as the basic Baptism service and the Psalms. this revised and updated 2024 edition contains fully updated royal prayers throughout, plus additional material.
This pocket prayer guide is an invitation to the delight, privilege and responsibility of praying for your churches and the communities they serve. A delight because your prayers open the way for God’s blessing on the people around you.
Multi-parish benefices are the pattern of the future. Pam Macnaughton addresses their unique needs in this guide, blending creativity with a theologically and pastorally informed approach. She provides practical solutions and fresh ideas, based on tried and tested methods, for local churches struggling with declining attendance and complex contexts.
This essential handbook for the preparation of worship presents the authorised Bible readings (references only) for the liturgical year beginning Advent Sunday 2023.
The Difference Course explores what it means to follow Jesus in a complex and divided world. Participants are equipped to cross divides, navigate disagreement, practice forgiveness, and pursue a just and flourishing life.