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Be Still & Know 365 Daily Devotions

A beautiful 365 Daily Devotional ideal for any gift.

52 Devotions for Dog Lovers

Your canine companion can teach you a lot about the unconditional love and loyalty of God.

52 Devotions for Cat Lovers

Your feline friend can teach you a lot about the peace and patience of God. Is there anyone more content napping in the sunshine or looking out the window than your cat companion? It's like they are wired to sit and enjoy life, taking in the beauty of all that surrounds them. And if you'll sit for a while with them, you might find yourself unwinding as you quietly contemplate the deep mysteries o

THe Chosen Bk 1: I Have Called You By Name

This novel develops and expands upon the people and story lines in Season 1 of the TV series The Chosen. The events portrayed revolve around Jesus and people with whom He came in contact, including those He chose to be His disciples and their families, beginning with the shepherds to whom His birth was announced by the angels.

The Chosen Bk 2: Come and See

The Chosen novels are a tool to help readers and viewers of the series draw into a deeper relationship with Jesus as represented in the New Testament. Through this book, readers will identify with the reallife struggles, victories, doubts, and issues that every person experiences—even those personally chosen by Jesus.

Prayers & Promises for Life Gift Edition

Promises for Life incorporates seventy different themes to help you find inspiration in the promises of God's Word. Uplifting prayers and questions offer an opportunity for deeper reflection. When you're so busy you can hardly think straight or you've lost your joy, peace, or purpose in life's uncertainties, let the promises of God breathe life into your lungs and hope into your heart.

Passion Translation New Testament

The Passion Translation is a modern, easy-to-read Bible translation that unlocks the passion of God's heart and expresses his fiery love-merging emotion and life-changing truth. This translation will evoke an overwhelming response in every reader, unfolding the deep mysteries of the Scriptures. If you are hungry for God, The Passion Translation will help you encounter his heart and know him more i