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Barnabas Page A Day Bible

365 illustrated stories from the Bible, a page for every day of the year. Every main event in the Bible is included, retold as a continuous narrative to make the Bible accessible to all readers.

Family Fun for Summer:

30 holiday activities for families to share
£4.99 £3.99

Where in the World: An RE Assembly

An RE assembly resource on the worldwide Christian Church ideal for KS1,KS2 & P1-P7
£9.99 £5.00

Paper Plate Bible Crafts:58 easy-to-do ideas for 5-7s

Paper plate crafts is a great resource fot fun crafts that trach favourite Bible stories in any setting. Fast, inexpensive and readily available,paper plates easily become masks, mobiles, puppets and plaques. The finished crafts are an ingenious way to reinforce Bible stories and themes.

Core skills for Family Ministry:Developing key skills for church-based family ministry

User-friendly modular training course for children's and family work practitioners. Core Skills is an interdenominational modular scheme offering foundational training for all those involved with church-based family ministry.

The Big book of Bible Crafts: 110 Craft Ideas

Over 100 Bible craft ideas submitted by Children's workers and approved by children are ready to be made in this colourful and exciting treasure trove of ideas. Contains 110 Bible craft ideas submitted by Children's workers and approved by children are ready to be made in this colourful and exciting treasure trove of ideas. It's not only craft ideas, but also real-life tip, tricks, and exper

RE in the Classroom with 4-5s

Specifically written for use with children in reception class, these short, simple units focus on developing the skills and understanding required for a smooth transition to Key Stage 1.

Creative Mission

Over 50 Ideas for special days, celebrations, festivals, community-based projects and seasonal activities. THIS ITEM IS REPORTED AS 'REPRINT UNDER CONSIDERATION' AT PRESTENT